Song parodies

Here are nine samples out of 46 song parodies that introduce each section of the audiobook
Why Love Fails: When Love Flowers. The audiobook blends entertainment with valuable information.

Hallelujah HolyLoveFails, parody, + author information

1-Hallelujah HolyLoveFails, parody,
+ background on author James Dunn
Hallelujah HolyLoveFails, parody of Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah
along with audiobook section on author James Dunn

Last week sex, parody, + Introduction, part A

2-Last Week Sex, parody,
+ Why Love Fails audiobook Introduction, Part A
Last Week Sex, parody of Katy Perry, Teenage Dream
along with Why Love Fails: When Love Flowers audiobook Introduction, Part A

90 Ways to Leave, parody, + Introduction Part B

3-90 Ways to Leave,
parody, + audiobook Introduction Part B
90 Ways to Leave, parody of Paul Simon, 50 Ways to Leave
along with Why Love Fails: When Love Flowers audiobook Introduction, Part B

You Have a Way to Shun, parody, + Introduction Part C

4-You Have a Way to Shun, parody,
+ audiobook Introduction Part C
You Have a Way to Shun, parody of Shania Twain, You’ve Got a Way
along with Why Love Fails: When Love Flowers audiobook Introduction, Part C

Following are additional song parodies that kick off each chapter of the audiobook, Why Love Fails: When Love Flowers. The first chapter is on sex, followed by chapters on monogamy and money.
Intrigued by this “tough love” new handbook on relationships? Want guidance on what went wrong, why he (or she) left, why your marriage ended in divorce?

Want your love life to improve fast? Aim to refresh your marriage or partnership? Want to pick a better partner next time? We invite you to order the audiobook, with 15 hours of narrated audio and entertaining song parodies, and gain all these valuable tips.

Someone Better than You, parody

5-Someone Better Than You
Someone Better Than You, Parody, Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, Someone Like You

Part of Me, parody

6-Part of Me
Part of Me, Parody of John Legend, All of Me

Why He Cheats, parody

7-Why He Cheats
Why He Cheats, Parody of Carrie Underwood, Before He Cheats

Jessica’s Guy, parody

8-Jessica’s Guy
Jessica’s Guy, Parody of Rick Springfield, Jesse’s Girl

I Want Your Crazy, parody

9-I Want Your Crazy
I Want Your Crazy, Parody of Lady Gaga, Bad Romance